Leading Specialists In Hoardings

What makes us special

As the first contactor on site, we are aware that our presence can often set the tone of neighbour relations and as such, all personnel are instructed to deal with complaints, enquiries etc in a sympathetic manner. Our finished product is the front line for pedestrians and neighbours so care is taken in the quality of finish we provide.


With over 20 years’ experience in the erection of site protection hoardings and fences, we pride our-selves in our ability to provide customers with a fast, efficient service.

Our comprehensive portfolio means we have a hoarding or fencing design to cover almost any appli-cation. Site-specific designs are an everyday experience for us and by using qualified personnel we are able to overcome any requirement for adaptation and line changes etc.

We only use quality products in the construction of our hoardings and fences and given the amount of care and attention we give to each and every project we undertake, anyone would think our hoardings were meant to be around forever and not simply used on a temporary basis. All ply and timber purchased from suppliers are from sustainable sources, ensuring we conform to our ISO14001 environmental and 9001:2008 QMS policies and objectives which in turn assists our clients in meeting theirs.

Hoarding Systems – We can offer unlimited spans suitable for internal and external projects. Panels can be positioned on site using a variety of methods such e.g.

* Dug into surface

* Free standing – ballast filled support boxes.

* Kentledge concrete blocks

* Bolted down to surface met posts

* Strapped to scaffolding

Options on height, size, fire ratings, vehicular and pedestrian access means we can offer complete peace of mind and security. Vision panels, painting and branding are all part of our ability to ensure the specification and design is not only compliant but is also adaptable.

Printed hoardings can be used to mask unattractive building works, and give an excellent oppor-tunity to provide high impact advertising space in order to showcase and promote a company brand and or project. Printed hoardings are the perfect way to ‘dress’ the perimeter of any building site.

Environmental pollution – with heavy plant and tools working in excess of 85dB on a construction site, it is easy to see why noise is such a significant issue. Acoustic products provide some much needed respite from this problem effectively treating noise issues through both absorbing rather than reflecting, thereby controlling the noise where it is generated – another service within our spe-cialist portfolio.

Availability – To date, we have undertaken hoarding projects for as little as 10m to as much as 1.5km. At our Larkfield depository, we stock all the materials necessary to install approximately 1km of hoarding at any given time.

Our Specialized Fields

Ancillary Services

Some of Our Clients

Free Standing – Metal

Metal – Temporary Solid Free Standing


Height – 2.0m, 2.4m (Mesh Infill)

This system can be bolted or have additional weight on Rakers supplied.

Metal – Temporary Mesh Free Standing


Height – 2.0m Heavy Duty
Height – 2.0m Light Duty

Bolt Down Option is available for both